Big uptake of online biosecurity register

The streamlining of biosecurity registrations for Queensland livestock, horse, poultry and beehive owners is working well with more than 50,000 users now embracing the new online system.

 Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities Mark Furner said the Biosecurity Entity Registration Portal allowed owners to register their animals online and receive automated updates when renewals were due.

“Being registered allows Biosecurity Queensland to better prepare for and respond to biosecurity emergencies,” Mr Furner said.

“If there was a biosecurity emergency, such as an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease or African swine fever, we need to know where susceptible animals are and who is caring for them.

“Using this register, Biosecurity Queensland can locate animals, trace their movements and keep their owners informed.

Maintaining strong biosecurity measures supports thousands of jobs in agriculture, which is and essential industry and a vital part of Queensland’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan.

Mr Furner said the portal was launched in 2019 and has exceeded all expectations with 56 per cent of all registered animal owners now holding an online account.

“Originally we were hoping to attract a quarter of all owners to the portal but through the persistent efforts of the team and our Biosecurity Officers across the state, we’ve gone well beyond that,” he said.

“It’s really important the data we hold is up to date as it’s critical in the event of an emergency, so this is really good progress.

“Livestock owners are reporting the new system is quick and efficient and takes the guesswork out of renewals.”

To register, visit and confirm your details.
