Queensland's renewable energy momentum drives new energy grants

Building on Queensland's robust renewable energy momentum, the State has unveiled a landmark multi-million dollar investment in energy and environment initiatives. Led by the Miles Government, the initiative aims to put Queensland at the forefront of renewable energy innovation and sustainability.

A significant portion of the funding, totalling $2.5 million, has been allocated to establish a pilot solar panel recycling program in Queensland, a national first. This ground-breaking program will ensure thousands of solar panels from homes, businesses and solar farms are recycled at the end of their lifecycle, paving the way for a more sustainable approach to renewable energy.

In addition, nearly $3 million has been earmarked for industry leadership initiatives aimed at improving recycling practices, fostering career development and promoting social licence within the renewable energy sector. These grants will empower industry stakeholders to drive positive change, engage with communities and maximise the regional benefits of renewable energy solutions.

The Solar Panel Recycling Pilot Programme, managed by the Smart Energy Council, will not only divert solar panels from landfill, but will also provide valuable insight into the development of a national product stewardship scheme. Through strategic collaboration with industry leaders and local councils, Queensland is poised to lead the way in sustainable renewable energy practices.

As Queensland continues to advance its renewable energy agenda, these grants will play a critical role in supporting the state's transition to a cleaner, greener future. By investing in innovative initiatives and encouraging industry collaboration, Queensland is laying the foundations for a more sustainable and prosperous future.
