Wyndham Smart City Strategy 2019-2024: An Award-Winning Community-First Approach to Digital Technology Integration for Transforming Transforming Growing Communities into Smart Cities

By Aaron An

Wyndham's Smart City Strategy 2019-2024, which outlines the integration of new and innovative technologies to improve urban areas, has received the highest recognition among smart city initiatives in Australia and New Zealand. The strategy was presented with the prestigious award at the Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand 2019 Awards Ceremony on 31 October 2019.

The strategy was developed in collaboration with universities, businesses and government agencies, and was designed with a community-first approach to digital technology integration. The strategy aims to transform growing communities into modern smart cities by identifying the unique requirements for smart planning, innovative services and smart technology to develop liveable and connected communities and neighbourhoods.

The strategy also outlines the Council's plan to address challenges such as transport, congestion, the local environment and waste management through the use of new and smart technologies. In addition, the Council has already implemented virtual reality and multilingual virtual assistants such as Microsoft Translator to improve planning, customer service and accessibility. The Council's commitment to continuing to work with the community and partners will ensure that the vision for the future of Wyndham City is realised.
