Enhanced security measures on Lygon Street

Residents and visitors to Melbourne's famous Lygon Street will soon feel safer, thanks to a new initiative to install closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras.

The government-led Safe City Camera Network Expansion Project will see the installation of eight state-of-the-art CCTV cameras along Lygon Street. These cameras are designed to deter potential criminal activity, assist law enforcement in identifying offenders and facilitate emergency response.

Equipped with advanced tracking capabilities, the cameras will allow operators to monitor individuals or vehicles as they travel along Lygon Street. They will also provide real-time surveillance of busy Argyle Square, a popular venue for events that attract large crowds.

Police officers, operating 24 hours a day from a central control room, will monitor the camera feeds and rapidly dispatch assistance if any untoward incidents are detected. This immediate response mechanism, facilitated by live monitoring, enhances the ability of the emergency services to address security concerns promptly.

In addition, the footage captured by these cameras can be accessed remotely by police officers, allowing them to view incidents in real time, helping to identify perpetrators and facilitate rapid resolution.

Jointly funded by the Government and the City of Melbourne, each contributing a substantial $260,000, this project represents a concerted effort to enhance public safety. The entire CCTV network is expected to be operational by mid-year, with several cameras already in use.

Since 2016, the government has allocated more than $1.13 million to crime prevention initiatives in the City of Melbourne.
