Investing in our innovative small businesses

One million dollars in funding is available now to help Tasmanian businesses get new ideas off the ground.

Round two of the Rockliff Liberal Government’s Small Business Incubator and Accelerator Program has now opened.

Grants of up to $250,000 each are available for businesses to design and deliver incubator programs to nurture innovative ideas and build businesses from the ground up, as well as accelerator programs aimed at fast-tracking business development.

Minister for Small Business and Science and Technology, Madeleine Ogilvie, said the Government recognises the importance of entrepreneurs in the economy and their role in driving innovation and creating new jobs.

“This program will drive business creation and support the success of existing early-stage businesses by providing them with specialist advice and support,” she said.

“Guidance through this program aims to decrease risk and increase the sustainability and viability of new businesses.

“The Rockliff Liberal Government has made a total of $1 million in funding available for round two of the program, demonstrating our strong commitment to this important part of our economic future.”

Today, Minister Ogilvie dropped in to see progress on the project by round one grant recipients, Secret Lab.

“Secret Lab is a narrative game development business who will provide an incubator program, which is a free, Tasmania-wide opportunity for local game developers who are currently planning, or building a video game with some kind of narrative or story-element, to access mentorship, resources, and connections in the domestic and international game development space,” she said.

“The video games development industry in Australia has the potential to be the engine that drives digital skills across the economy and plays a pivotal role in all technology, creative and screen industries.”

For more details about the Small Business Incubator and Accelerator Pilot Program, visit
