SEC paves way for Victoria's renewable energy workforce of tomorrow

The State Electricity Commission (SEC) is preparing to train a new energy workforce as Victoria accelerates towards its 95 per cent renewable energy target by 2035.

Today, the Minister for the State Electricity Commission visited the Glenrowan Solar Farm, marking a significant step towards powering government operations across the state.

Driven by the Victorian Renewable Energy Target, a cornerstone of the SEC's 10-year strategic plan, this project will be integrated into the SEC and become the primary supplier of electricity to the Victorian Government.

With a commitment to deliver 1.2 gigawatts of energy generation, the Victorian Renewable Energy Target aims to achieve 100 per cent renewable energy for all public hospitals, schools and Victorian Government operations by 2025.

The SEC expects to create more than 59,000 local jobs, including 6,000 internships and apprenticeships, to meet the demand for the delivery and operation of renewable energy projects. Working with industry partners, schools, TAFEs and universities, the SEC aims to build a robust pipeline of skilled renewable energy professionals.

To facilitate the recruitment, training and retention of this workforce, the SEC will establish a Centre of Training Excellence. Consultation with industry and Traditional Owners will shape the Centre, with implementation expected by 2025.

By engaging with students at school careers nights and events later this year, the SEC plans to promote the growing opportunities in renewable energy careers.

The 102-megawatt Glenrowan Solar Farm is expected to support 150 full-time jobs and generate enough energy to power around 45,000 Australian homes.

For more information on how the SEC will support the growing renewable energy workforce, visit
