Protecting wildlife in the renewable energy transition

Efforts are underway to ensure the conservation of Victoria's diverse wildlife amid the renewable energy transition, led by government initiatives.

A comprehensive set of tools and guidelines is being developed to mitigate the impact of renewable energy projects on native species, in line with the goal of reducing emissions and ensuring reliable electricity supply across the state.

By July 2024, the government aims to release statewide maps showing key habitat areas for native wildlife. These maps will serve as a valuable resource for renewable energy developers and planners, allowing them to choose sites that minimise disruption to wildlife.

In addition, research due to be completed by October 2024 will look at the potential impact of wind turbines on threatened bird and bat species. Findings from this research will inform the development of guidelines in the Handbook for Renewable Energy Development in Victoria, which will outline key considerations and protocols for renewable energy projects.

The handbook will include measures to protect vulnerable wildlife and provide guidance to developers on planning and implementing mitigation strategies. Through public consultation and engagement with stakeholders, including Traditional Owners and industry representatives, the handbook will be fine-tuned to address diverse perspectives and concerns.

With a $3.8 million investment, these initiatives complement the Government's efforts to streamline planning approvals and accelerate the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure.
