Progress towards a sustainable River Murray with pending changes to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan

The imminent passage of the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023 through the Senate marks a significant step forward in delivering on the promise of 450 gigalitres to South Australia under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

Federal Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek has reportedly secured the support of the Greens and some crossbenchers, signalling progress towards delivering the 450GL commitment.

Key provisions of the bill include enabling voluntary water buybacks from willing sellers, addressing the delays and setbacks caused by the former Coalition government's inaction on vital water efficiency programs.

Despite opposition from some quarters, including elements within the SA Liberals, voluntary buybacks are emerging as the primary means of meeting the 450GL commitment, as confirmed by the findings of the Royal Commission into the River Murray in SA.

Richard Beasley SC, the River Murray Commissioner, emphasised the lack of credible evidence to support claims that buybacks have a negative impact on communities, highlighting the lack of peer-reviewed research on the issue.

In response to potential community impacts, the Albanese Government has allocated $20 million to South Australia, demonstrating a commitment to addressing concerns while promoting the sustainability and health of the River Murray.
