NSW Government works with industry and academic experts to shape digital future

Industry and academic leaders gathered at a roundtable in Sydney to contribute to the NSW Government's revamped digital strategy, which aims to use technology to improve service delivery, increase inclusion and drive economic growth.

The roundtable, attended by Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Jihad Dib, provided a platform for discussion on driving digital initiatives to meet the evolving needs of NSW residents, communities and businesses.

Key priorities of the State's new Digital Strategy include increasing digital resilience and inclusion, improving frontline services, and responsibly harnessing AI to deliver better outcomes in areas such as housing and the environment.

NSW has been at the forefront of digital innovation, particularly in initiatives such as developing a secure digital identity for citizens. The roundtable aimed to maintain this momentum and explore further opportunities for progress.

One example of NSW's digital innovation is the introduction of online renewal for the Working with Children Check using verifiable credential technology, paving the way for more accessible government services.

As digital trends evolve, insights from the roundtable will inform the Digital.NSW strategy, due for release later this year, ensuring alignment with sector feedback and emerging technological advances.

Minister Jihad Dib emphasised the importance of working with industry experts to shape the strategy, guiding investment to deliver government priorities and fostering a digitally innovative future that drives economic growth.
