New community benefits in the renewable energy transition

Communities, landowners and traditional owners hosting essential energy infrastructure will benefit from a new fund to support community energy projects as part of the renewable energy transition.

The draft Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Community Benefits Plan has been released for consultation. The plan recognises the important role that rural and regional areas play in the energy transition by providing direct investment in projects that improve energy security and affordability for local communities.

A REZ Community Energy Fund will be established in each of the state's six renewable energy zones. Local communities can apply for funding to support projects such as community microgrids, grid upgrades, or bulk purchases of solar panels and heat pumps.

The plan also includes specific benefits for Traditional Owners, developed through direct engagement to ensure their economic empowerment and support for self-determination.

In addition to these new measures, landowners hosting transmission infrastructure will receive $200,000 per kilometre to supplement existing compensation arrangements. Guidelines for benefits to significantly affected neighbouring properties will also be introduced to address visual amenity impacts.

These measures will apply to all new transmission projects, including the Western Renewables Link, VNI West and transmission for proposed offshore wind projects.

VicGrid will engage with communities through workshops and drop-in sessions in May and June to discuss the draft plan. Feedback will be used to finalise the plan for release later this year. For more information, visit
