Launch of Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme Marks a Significant Step Towards Environmental Sustainability

Victoria has taken a significant stride towards environmental sustainability with the launch of the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) by the Allan Labor Government. This initiative aims to substantially reduce the state's litter while simultaneously offering financial incentives to its residents.

Under the CDS Vic program, individuals can now return their eligible drink cans, bottles, and cartons at various refund points located throughout Victoria, receiving a 10-cent refund for each returned item. The scheme, inaugurated by Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos, not only encourages responsible recycling but also contributes to creating a cleaner environment for everyone.

The implementation of this scheme is anticipated to create over 600 job opportunities across the state and promote the transformation of used drink containers into new, recycled products. Various methods have been established for people to return their eligible containers, including reverse vending machines, depots, over-the-counter sites, and pop-up refund points. Depending on the type of refund point, participants have the flexibility to choose between receiving their refund in cash, a retail voucher, or an electronic refund.

Furthermore, Victorians have the option to donate their refunds to registered charities or community organizations associated with the scheme, fostering a sense of community engagement and social responsibility.

The administration and oversight of the refund points and customer refunds will be managed by Scheme Coordinator, VicReturn, in collaboration with Zone Operators Return-It, TOMRA Cleanaway, and Visy. These operators will be responsible for establishing and managing the refund points and ensuring the appropriate recycling of the containers. Each operator has been assigned specific scheme zones (north, east, and west) to streamline the operational process.

To enhance accessibility, the network of refund points is set to expand further in 2024, ensuring that more Victorians can participate in the scheme conveniently.

CDS Vic is an integral component of the Labor Government's broader investment of $515 million aimed at revolutionizing the state's waste and recycling system. This comprehensive initiative includes the introduction of a standardized four-stream waste and recycling system, aligning with the government's objective to divert 80% of all materials away from landfills by 2030.

For detailed information about CDS Vic, including the location of the nearest refund point, please visit the official website at The launch of this Container Deposit Scheme underscores Victoria's commitment to environmental preservation and underscores the state's dedication to fostering a greener, more sustainable future for all.
