Industry-leading technology will increase renewables in the regions

Horizon Power is rolling out industry-leading technology to unlock access to renewables, and reduce carbon emissions in microgrids across regional and remote Western Australia.

The technology - Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) - will allow rooftop solar, battery, and electric vehicle customers to safely integrate with utility-owned energy resources, such as power stations, solar farms and batteries.

DERMS can monitor and orchestrate generation from customers in real-time, and will be rolled out in Broome in early 2023, and then other regional microgrids by mid-2024.

Using predictive analytics, including weather pattern analysis, the technology forecasts energy generation and demand - to ensure the energy system remains stable.

Last year, Horizon Power delivered a ground-breaking demonstration where this technology enabled more than four times the amount of rooftop solar to be installed compared to a traditional energy system.

The DERMS was able to safely integrate high levels of rooftop solar and storage - along with utility owned renewables, to power the town of Onslow with 100 per cent renewable energy.

Horizon Power was the first Australian utility to deploy a DERMS on a regional microgrid.
