Improved reforms for manufactured housing in Queensland

The Queensland State Parliament has introduced comprehensive reforms aimed at providing greater protection and cost of living stability for owners of manufactured homes in residential parks across Queensland.

These reforms, which will be phased in, will benefit thousands of residents, particularly seniors, living in manufactured homes in residential parks.

Key reforms include capping site rent increases at either the CPI or 3.5 per cent, banning rent reviews used to justify rent increases and establishing fairer protocols for the sale of manufactured homes.

In addition, an opt-in buy-back and site rent reduction scheme will be introduced for homes that have been on the market for more than 12 months, ensuring affordability and providing peace of mind for residents.

Other measures include strengthening the registration requirements for residential parks to increase transparency for both current and prospective homeowners.

As part of these reforms, park owners will have the opportunity to seek redress through QCAT if they believe the changes may affect the viability of their park.

The reforms aim to balance the interests of residents and park owners following extensive community consultation.
