Expanding EV charging network in regional tourism hotspots

Residents and tourists in regional NSW can now drive their electric vehicles with greater confidence as the Minns Government expands EV charging infrastructure through the Destination Charging Program.

The program, which is now open for applications from small to medium-sized regional tourism businesses and councils, provides 75% funding towards the purchase and installation of up to four charging points per site.

With a $10 million allocation for the second round, the program aims to install at least 1,500 EV charging points at tourist destinations, including motels, wineries, cafes, restaurants, natural attractions, visitor information centres, museums, zoos and local government facilities.

Following the successful roll-out, EV tourism tours will be developed to promote EV travel across NSW. This initiative is part of the NSW Government's broader $209 million investment in charging infrastructure, which includes grants to retrofit homes, additional kerbside charging and funding for ultra-fast charging infrastructure.

An additional $260 million in the 2023-24 Budget will further support the delivery of a new NSW EV Strategy, in partnership with industry stakeholders, which is critical to achieving the State's net zero emissions targets.

Find out more about EV destination grants
