Empowering communities with renewable energy: Magill and Edwardstown Initiatives

In Magill and Edwardstown, South Australians will witness the launch of a ground-breaking initiative that will bring lower energy costs and sustainability benefits to local residents.

Two community batteries at the Tuku Wirra Reserve in Magill and Towers Terrace in Edwardstown will serve 600 eligible households, with a particular focus on low-income and vulnerable groups.

With a $1 million grant from the Commonwealth's $200 million Community Batteries for Household Solar Initiative, the emPowering Magill and emPowering Edwardstown projects will significantly reduce electricity bills for participants, potentially saving them up to $562 a year.

In addition to providing savings, the 150 kilowatt/405 kilowatt-hour batteries will help reduce emissions, support solar deployment and improve grid stability by absorbing excess energy.

They will also store excess renewable energy and make it available during peak demand or grid support periods, in line with the functionality of individual household solar and battery systems.

Housing SA tenants living near these batteries will be encouraged to join the SA Virtual Power Plant (SA VPP) scheme in partnership with Energy Locals, an Australian-owned electricity retailer.

Through Energy Locals, participants will be able to purchase electricity at a 25% discount off the standard market offer, resulting in significant savings, particularly for households with average annual consumption.

The initiative aims to initially enrol 300 participant households located closest to the batteries, ensuring equitable access to the benefits of renewable energy.

Tesla will oversee the operation of both community batteries as part of the SA VPP, with construction set to begin in the coming months.
