Comprehensive online resource for early childhood development

A new online hub is designed to help parents and carers navigate the crucial first five years of their child's life, offering a comprehensive range of resources and support services tailored to each stage of development.

Launched by the NSW Government, the Brighter Beginnings Parent and Carer Information Hub consolidates information on government services, rebates and support from pregnancy to the early years of primary school, streamlining access for families.

This initiative addresses the challenge of fragmented sources of information by providing a centralised platform where parents can find guidance on health, mental wellbeing, nutrition, play, financial advice and available payments or rebates relevant to their child's age.

Recognising the importance of early childhood development, the NSW Government is prioritising this initiative to ensure positive experiences and connections during the critical early years, laying the foundation for future success.

With a significant proportion of children in NSW facing developmental challenges before they start school, as evidenced by data from the Australian Early Development Census, the Parent and Carer Hub plays a critical role in bridging this gap by providing essential resources and support.

This initiative is part of the NSW Government's broader commitment to early childhood development, which includes investment in public preschools, improvements to preschool infrastructure in regional and underserved areas, and initiatives to expand the early childhood workforce through scholarship programs.
