eDiscovery Mini Series Ep 2 - The eDiscovery Process
Online Event.
CLI's DLS: e Discovery Mini Series Episode 2 - The eDiscovery Process - Begin with the end in mind
Welcome to the Centre for Legal Innovation's (CLI) FREE Digital Literacy Series: eDiscovery Mini Series.
In the second of five episodes in the mini series, Kate Clark, CEO, Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions will discuss how to understand the eDiscovery process from beginning to end. Kate will be joined by guest panellists who will share their practical experience and candid insights: Ciara Cooke, Senior Legal Technology Consultant, Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions and Sam White, Legal Technology Consultant, Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions.
Topics covered in this session will include:
- Project Management/Planning
- Identification of potentially relevant document sources
- Collection of documents
- Drafting and negotiating a Protocol for Exchange of Electronic Documents
- Litigation database setup
- Processing of the documents
- Preparing documents prior to legal review and reducing the volume of documents for review
- Legal review by legal team
- Disclosure
- Presentation of documents – eBriefs, Witness Statements, Experts Reports, etc.
- eTrial
You'll find information about the other episodes in this series and the registration links as we add them here.
If you can’t make it to the live webinar, you'll be able to catch the re-run for FREE when we post it on the CLI-collaborate (CLIC) resource hub here and the FREE podcast in our The Legalpreneurs Sandbox podcast series here.