Victoria launches innovative zero emission mobile power generator

Victoria has introduced a pioneering mobile power solution, the H2PowerBox, which combines solar energy and renewable hydrogen to provide a reliable, zero-emission alternative to conventional diesel generators. The H2PowerBox is designed to provide reliable, off-grid power for disaster relief and remote communities.

The H2PowerBox was developed by the Clayton Hydrogen Technology Cluster (Clayton H2) with the help of $100,000 in funding to establish a network of hydrogen clusters across Victoria. This innovative energy system incorporates state-of-the-art solar panels, a high-efficiency electrolyser to extract hydrogen from water and a fuel cell to generate power, making it a versatile energy source independent of traditional fuel and water supplies.

The project is a collaboration between Clayton H2, GreenRen Power and Deloitte Emissions Solutions, resulting in a 24/7 power supply that avoids the common pitfalls of diesel generators, such as emissions, fluctuating costs, supply challenges and high maintenance.

Decon Corporation will manufacture the H2PowerBox trailer and assemble critical components at its Melbourne facility. Previously, Decon Corporation received $96,830 from the New Energy Jobs Fund to further develop its Smart Power Cell System. This system, which integrates solar, wind, battery and diesel technology into a compact unit, minimises reliance on diesel and other fuels while providing resilience and environmental benefits.

Building on its success in the telecommunications industry, the Smart Power Cell system provides a rapidly deployable, environmentally friendly power solution for diverse community needs.

The $20 million New Energy Jobs Fund, which supports projects such as the H2PowerBox, aims to create sustainable jobs, increase the uptake of renewable energy, reduce emissions and drive innovation in new energy technologies to build market confidence and drive renewable energy development in Victoria.
