Stanwell clean energy hub unveiled in Rockhampton

 Stanwell Clean Energy Hub

The Palaszczuk Government has revealed plans for the Stanwell Clean Energy Hub, marking a significant step towards a sustainable energy future. The Future Energy and Innovation Training Hub (FEITH), a $100 million initiative by Stanwell Corporation, will kick start the transformation of the hub.

The size of a shopping centre, FEITH will serve as a proving ground for innovative energy technologies, including wind, solar, hydrogen and battery storage. It will also act as a hands-on training facility, enabling Queensland's energy workers to gain the skills they need in renewable energy technologies.

The project will be delivered in phases, starting with the installation of shared infrastructure and civil works in late 2023. Subsequent phases will include the creation of a skills academy and demonstration centre, providing the community with the opportunity to learn about new energy technologies. Over a five-year period, the entire project is expected to cost in excess of $100 million.

Located between the potential future Capricorn and Calliope Renewable Energy Zones (REZ), the 1,460 MW Stanwell power station is in line with Queensland's draft REZ roadmap. These zones are expected to deliver between 1,900 and 3,800 MW of installed generation, supporting up to 650 construction jobs and providing job security for the existing workforce through the Jobs Security Guarantee.

The Central Queensland REZ, which covers 10 local government areas, aims to help key industries such as agriculture, construction, mineral processing and manufacturing meet their clean energy targets and meet international market demands.
