Smart Parking App Goes Live

It’s never been easier to get a car park at the Werribee City Centre thanks to a new Smart Parking app that directs drivers to available car parks, helping them find a space sooner.

The app, which is available to download on Apple and Android smartphones, gives drivers real time information such as the best available areas to park and the number of available car parking spaces in each area.

Wyndham City Mayor Adele Hegedich said the Smart Parking app also syncs up with phone navigation apps to verbally direct drivers to available spaces. 

“The Smart Parking app makes it easier for drivers to find a parking space, in turn making it easier to get customers through doors and help businesses get back to normal trading as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted,” Cr Hegedich said.

“Instead of wasting precious time cruising around for a car park, drivers can use the app to quickly find a space and enjoy visiting Werribee’s terrific restaurants, cafes and stores at their leisure.” 

Cr Hegedich said Council would also trial digitised traffic signs in coming months to guide drivers to an available parking space.

“Customers are the lifeblood of Wyndham businesses, and we want our shopping districts to be vibrant places where people go and support their local stores,” Cr Hegedich said.

“The Smart Parking app is a win-win solution for customers and businesses alike – it will help minimise traffic congestion in the Werribee City Centre caused by drivers trying to find a parking space, making it easier for customers to get in and shop local.”

“As we emerge from COVID-19 restrictions, buying local helps businesses and helps keep local jobs, and the Smart Parking app is one of the ways Council is supporting local businesses during this tough time.”

The Smart Parking app aligns with the Werribee City Centre Parking Strategy 2019 and is part of Council’s wider vision for Wyndham to become a Smart City, using technology and data to inform service and infrastructure provision.

Cr Hegedich said Council was recently named a finalist in the 2020 Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand Awards for its Smart Parking technology.

For more information and to download the app, go to
