Queensland launches $7.1 million grant to boost manufacturing energy efficiency

The Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant program, introduced by the Queensland Government, aims to help manufacturers reduce energy use and save money through direct financial support.

From today, eligible manufacturers can apply for matching grants of between $5,000 and $25,000. This funding can be used to purchase equipment or implement processes to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

In line with the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, the initiative positions Queensland as an attractive destination for renewable energy investment. This not only benefits the energy sector but also creates opportunities for manufacturers, particularly those committed to decarbonisation.

This grant program is a strategic move by the Government to strengthen Queensland's manufacturing sector and make it more competitive nationally and internationally.

The $7.1 million grant will be distributed over two rounds, with MEEG Round 2 to be released next year. The MEEG Round 1 guidelines are now available online and applications will be accepted from 23 October 2023. The round will close on 30 June 2024 or when funding is exhausted.

To be eligible, projects must demonstrate a minimum 10% reduction in energy use or carbon emissions directly related to project implementation.

