Queensland invests $179 million in battery expansion for renewable energy

In a significant step towards a renewable energy future, Queensland has announced a $179 million investment in the expansion of its local grid connected battery programme. Premier Steven Miles unveiled the initiative, funded by the Queensland Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Jobs Fund, which will see the installation of 12 new local grid connected batteries across the state.

The package also includes the installation of two flow batteries from Queensland manufacturers, supporting the development of a local battery industry and paving the way for flow battery integration in future programmes.

The battery programme is a key component of Queensland's Energy and Jobs Plan, which aims to maximise the benefits of rooftop solar and strengthen the electricity distribution network. Stages one and two have already delivered five grid-connected batteries, stage three will add a further 12 4MW/8MWh batteries and stage four will include a trial of two flow batteries.

These batteries, strategically located in areas with high solar penetration, will support the energy network during peak demand, contributing to Queensland's target of 70% renewable energy by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. The expansion will bring Energy Queensland's total battery fleet to 29, marking a significant step towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy landscape.
