Queensland advances renewable energy goals with landmark legislation

In a significant move, the Queensland Government has introduced legislation to cement the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, outlining renewable energy targets and ensuring financial security for energy workers.

Following extensive community and industry consultation, the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 has been introduced to Parliament, reflecting broad support.

This legislation aims to position Queensland as a world leader in renewable energy while maintaining public ownership of the majority of the state's electricity system. The Bill enshrines renewable energy targets into law, committing to 50% clean energy by 2030, 70% by 2032 and 80% by 2035.

A groundbreaking aspect of the bill is the implementation of the Job Security Guarantee and Fund, a world-first commitment by the government. This initiative will ensure that workers in existing state-owned power plants have access to new job opportunities, training or financial support.

The new laws also establish key planning and governance mechanisms to facilitate the successful implementation of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, including the efficient construction of the new Queensland SuperGrid.
