National Skills Agreement drives NSW's transition to net zero

Following the signing of the National Skills Agreement (NSA), the NSW Government is strengthening its commitment to upskilling the workforce and moving the economy towards net zero emissions. TAFE NSW is launching eight new micro-skills tailored specifically to the renewable energy sector.

The five-year NSA, backed by a Commonwealth investment of up to $3.8 billion, is in line with the Minns Labor Government's vision to revitalise TAFE and training in NSW.

With the NSA in place, NSW now has secure funding to improve skills training in renewable energy and technology. TAFE NSW is introducing eight micro-skills - short, self-paced online courses designed to develop specific skills. These courses, which will be rolled out over the next six months, cover topics such as emergency response for electric vehicle incidents, introduction to fuel cell electric vehicles, hydrogen energy basics and more.

The aim is to equip workers in the automotive industry with the essential skills to maintain, repair and charge electric vehicles, ensuring they are prepared for the growing electric bus fleet and increasing consumer adoption of electric vehicles. In addition, the courses address the need to train emergency responders, including police, paramedics, and fire and rescue personnel, to deal with the unique challenges associated with electric vehicle accidents.
