Landmark legislation to catalyse hydrogen and renewable energy development

South Australia is poised to seize the opportunities presented by a renewable energy boom with the introduction of landmark legislation to the State Parliament aimed at facilitating and coordinating the growth of hydrogen and renewable energy projects.

The Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill marks a significant milestone as the nation's first legislative framework tailored to promote a unified approach to the burgeoning hydrogen and renewable energy sectors.

While existing frameworks have been instrumental in moving South Australia to over 70 per cent renewable energy, the impending wave of large scale hydrogen and renewable energy projects, totalling over $20 billion in capital development, requires a comprehensive framework capable of addressing multi-faceted considerations.

This Bill consolidates six Acts into one, removing red tape for potential investors and establishing a clear, competitive, government-led pathway for large-scale hydrogen and renewable energy initiatives, in line with the Government's Hydrogen Jobs Plan.

The legislation applies to both freehold and Crown land, as well as State waters, and aims to provide certainty, clarity and consistency for stakeholders in social, environmental and safety matters.

On freehold land, developers will need to secure access through direct agreements with landowners, while a new competitive system will govern access and licences for projects on grazing land and state waters, ensuring responsible allocation of access to prime areas for renewable energy development.

Release areas will be identified through a consultative process involving government agencies and native title holders, paving the way for a competitive bidding process based on transparent selection criteria.

The legislation provides for five types of licence, corresponding to different project stages, ranging from research and feasibility assessment to construction, operation and decommissioning of facilities.

Extensive consultation, including with Native Title holders, has informed the development of this legislation and underlines the Government's commitment to promoting an environmentally sustainable and responsible renewable energy and hydrogen sector.
