Improving energy resilience to extreme weather

Victorian communities are now better equipped to deal with power outages caused by extreme weather, thanks to recent investments in energy resilience.

A new Energy Resilience Hub has been established at Monbulk RSL, joining 25 other sites across the state. These hubs will act as powered community centres during severe weather events, providing residents with essential services such as preparing meals, charging appliances and accessing information during power outages.

The Monbulk Energy Resilience Solution is part of a $7.5 million energy resilience initiative. This program is funding the installation of solar panels, batteries and back-up generators in 24 high-risk towns, with installations expected to be completed in Healesville and Apollo Bay by September 2024.

The energy resilience systems will not only support emergency response, but also provide renewable energy to community buildings throughout the year. The rollout of this program is a critical step in ensuring reliable and affordable electricity for Victorians.

In addition, energy companies are now required to develop five-year Network Resilience Plans to improve the resilience of their networks, particularly in areas prone to prolonged outages. An independent review is also underway to assess operational responses to recent storms and make recommendations for better management and restoration practices.

For more information on energy resilience initiatives, visit
