Empowering Traditional Owners for a clean energy future

The Andrews Labor Government is empowering Traditional Owners to take a leading role in the clean energy sector through the newly launched First Peoples Adoption of Renewable Energy (FPARE) program.

Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D'Ambrosio has announced the allocation of $960,000 in clean energy grants to Traditional Owner Corporations (TOCs) to implement renewable energy projects that will benefit their communities. These projects can include solar panel installations, feasibility studies and the development of community-owned renewable energy generation.

The FPARE program aims to increase the renewable energy capacity and capability of TOCs and Aboriginal communities through education, awareness and information sharing programs. It also supports the development of projects and plans that build renewable energy capacity, such as TOC-specific energy initiatives and resources that share energy knowledge and access government programs.

These grants build on the previous Traditional Owner Renewable Energy Program (TOREP) and support self-determination by recognising the importance of involving Aboriginal people in decision-making processes that affect their lives, wellbeing and the health of their land.

Grants of up to $50,000 are available to both Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) and non-formally recognised TOCs. A leader in renewable energy targets and initiatives, Victoria aims to achieve 95% renewable energy by 2035 and net zero by 2045. The government has also re-established the publicly owned State Electricity Commission (SEC) to accelerate progress towards a sustainable energy future.
