Driving NSW's transition to renewable energy: Government's comprehensive approach

The NSW Government has unveiled a robust strategy to ensure a reliable and affordable supply of clean, renewable energy for the state. This initiative is a response to the Electricity Supply and Reliability Check-Up and outlines a comprehensive, whole-of-government effort led by Marsden Jacob Associates.

Key actions and commitments:

  • Strategic Priority - Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap: The Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap is endorsed as a Strategic Priority, leading to a dedicated whole-of-government initiative. This effort aims to rapidly replace retiring coal-fired generation with abundant renewable energy, transmission and storage solutions.
  • Energy Security Target Monitor: A new Energy Security Target Monitor will actively monitor the plans of the remaining private coal plants to ensure continued reliability at the lowest possible cost as they approach retirement.
  • Reliability challenges addressed: Recognising the impending reliability challenges, the Government will engage with Origin on its plans for Eraring, while exploring alternative solutions to meet NSW's renewable energy, transmission and storage needs.
  • Streamlining renewable energy approvals: The Government is committed to streamlining approvals for renewable energy in the planning system, with a focus on community benefit. This includes unlocking opportunities to connect new renewables to the existing grid outside Renewable Energy Zones.
  • Consumer Energy Strategy: A Consumer Energy Strategy will be developed to enable households and businesses to adopt small-scale renewables such as solar in the short term. This strategy will complement the implementation of large-scale projects.
  • Focus on renewable energy zones: The whole-of-government approach extends beyond energy to address housing, transport, skills and workforce and supply constraints within the Renewable Energy Zones.
  • Strengthened Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo): EnergyCo, the lead agency for the Renewable Energy Zones, will be strengthened with a clear statement of priorities and a reformed governance framework.

This multi-faceted approach underscores the NSW Government's commitment to a sustainable and reliable energy future, in line with broader renewable energy targets.
