Coding challenge to give students skills for the future

A new computer program challenge launched by Premier Gladys Berejiklian will set up NSW students for the jobs of the future.

The Premier’s Coding Challenge (PCC) will allow students to learn first-hand the basics of computer programming, and to see how innovative thinking can offer smart solutions to real-world problems.

The PCC is open to Year 7 and Year 8 students who will work through a series of challenges using a professional coding language.

Students who participate in the challenge will use a ThinkerShield coding kit from the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS).

Students and teachers who take part in the challenge will receive a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond Level achievement award.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the workplace is changing before our eyes and this challenge will prepare students for new industries which are emerging in innovative, high-tech sectors.

“These new industries are creating limitless career opportunities for people with the appropriate skills and there is no better time to acquire those skills than in high school,” Ms Berejiklian said.

The challenge will be held at 50 high schools and has been designed to boost the state’s STEM capabilities.

Find out more about the Premier’s Coding Challenge
