Boosting Victoria's tourism industry with innovative visitor information tools

Victoria is gearing up to boost its tourism industry with a new grant program aimed at developing innovative ways to attract visitors and encourage them to explore the best of the state. Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Steve Dimopoulos announced the launch of the $3 million Visitor Servicing Program at the Destination Victoria 2023 conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

From 22 May, regional tourism boards, local councils and other tourism organisations will have the opportunity to apply for grants of up to $625,000. These grants will support the development of creative tools and ideas that make it easier for visitors to plan their trips, access information and connect with the exceptional experiences on offer across Victoria. Projects could include advanced booking and reservation platforms, online travel planners, AI-powered information kiosks or the establishment of local ambassador programs.

In addition, grants of up to $50,000 will be available to regional tourism boards and local councils to facilitate strategy development and promote a coordinated approach to implementing these new tools in each region.

By providing visitors with high quality, personalised and timely information about Victoria's attractions, the program aims to increase visitor length of stay and spend. It will also pave the way for a successful 2026 Commonwealth Games by helping visitors plan ahead and curate memorable experiences in regional Victoria.

Working with local councils and industry stakeholders, the Victoria Tourism Industry Council will play a key role in delivering exceptional visitor information across the state. This program aligns with the objectives outlined in the $633 million Visitor Economy Recovery Reform Plan and serves as a key component of the new Experience Victoria 2033 strategic plan.

Applications for the grant program will open on Monday 22 May at 10am. Detailed information on how to apply can be found at
