Blueprint unveiled to shape WA's science and technology future

Western Australia is embarking on the development of a visionary 10-year Science and Technology Plan (the Plan) to advance its global position in science and technology.

  • Launch of an ambitious 10-year science and technology plan for Western Australia
  • Blueprint to chart the state's science and research trajectory over the next decade
  • Objective: Establish WA as a global hub for cutting-edge science and technology research and development

Western Australia is embarking on the development of a visionary 10-year Science and Technology Plan (the Plan) to advance its global position in science and technology.

Highlighting the state's core competencies in radio astronomy, space operations, remote technologies, marine science, medical technology and food security, The Plan will identify pathways to sustainable living, energy transition and readiness for AUKUS Pillar II critical technologies and advanced manufacturing.

With a focus on positioning WA as a global centre for science and technology advancement, the Plan will outline strategies to leverage the state's unique strengths and attract investment and talent to deliver significant outcomes.

From economic diversification and decarbonisation to groundbreaking medical breakthroughs that improve the lives of Western Australians, the Plan will explore how science and technology can address current and future challenges.

Recognising the vital contribution of Indigenous people to scientific progress, the Plan will encourage greater support for their continued engagement and initiatives.

The plan will complement existing strategies such as Western Australia's Innovation Strategy, which aims to establish WA as a prominent global hub for invention, investment, innovation and impact.

Broad consultation with stakeholders, including industry, research institutions, Aboriginal groups, government agencies and universities, will begin in September 2023 and the plan is expected to be published by mid-2024.

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