NSW Smart City Innovation Challenges

The NSW government is hosting three innovation challenges in 2022, to find leading edge technology and data solutions to problems.

Innovation challenges are part of our Smart Places Acceleration Program, funded under the Digital Restart Fund.

The first innovation challenge statement will be released in Q2 2022.


  • Involve the emerging technology sector driving innovative smart technology solutions for places and people
  • Create new pathways for partnerships between the technology and innovation sector and the NSW Government
  • Grow the number of innovative smart places products, services, and solutions in NSW
  • Increase the commercialisation of NSW Government-funded innovation for smart places.


The innovation challenges are part of the $45 million Smart Places Acceleration Program. The acceleration program is facilitated through the Digital Restart Fund.

How innovation challenges are run:

Each year the state government will run three innovation challenges.

Each challenge will relate to the priority problems of a sponsoring NSW Government agency or agencies.

A challenge statement will be released to an open market, with an invitation to submit a proposal.

Proposals will be assessed against set criteria by a judging panel, made up of relevant experts.

The criteria are in the Smart City Innovation Challenges – Guideline (PDF, 1.13 MB).

Successful proposals invited to present their idea to the judging panel and sponsoring NSW Government agency/ies at a Pitchfest event.

Up to three pitched proposals will be supported with funding to partner with NSW Government experts and other partners in a structured, co-design process to refine their solution and deliver a feasibility study.

Up to $1 million is available to deliver the concept further, such as development of a proof of concept and trial solutions.

Successful trials may lead to further opportunities to scale up the solution to other locations or services.
